Christmas trees: a little history

There is a long history of Christmas trees around the world, but the trend of trees in America dates back to the early-mid 1800s with the German settlers of Pennsylvania. The festive tradition of decorating the cheery evergreen trees in town squares and eventually inside homes grew through the years. Eventually modern, artificial trees became a part of the culture in the USA in the 1940s and 1950s.

Trees will always be an important part of the holiday, but which way should you go when picking a real or artificial tree?

There are a number of lifestyle considerations when it comes to purchasing your Christmas tree. If you fall in the middle of deciding what type of tree is best for you and your family, then the information below may be helpful with deciding the pros and cons of which type of tree you should get.

Live Trees:

Pros: The pros of having a real Christmas tree in your home during the holidays may seem obvious, but let’s make a list for the fun of it anyways.

  • Live trees add that pine scent to your home naturally
  • They help create oxygen for your home
  • They create sustainability for local tree farms and produce local jobs
  • When cut, most tree farms plant one to two trees to replenish the trees that are harvested during the season
  • Picking out your tree each year can create fun memories for you and your family

Cons: Though the pros are great, there are some cons to real trees for Christmas.

  • Needles fall and you’ll have more clean up inside your home, plus remembering to water your tree is key
  • Disposing of your tree after the season ends may be difficult depending on your location
  • If they are not watered properly, they can become a fire risk
  • Live trees are an added expense to the holiday year-after-year

Artificial Trees:

Pros: If you are on middle ground with wanting an artificial tree or not, there are positive things to having one.

  • Artificial trees don’t require maintenance with watering and cleaning up needles
  • They are flame retardant
  • For people with pine allergies, an artificial tree may be your only option
  • For small spaces like apartments, or even large spaces, artificial trees allow you to pick the exact size you need for the space you have
  • You’ll get to keep your tree year after year, cutting back on one holiday expense

Cons: Now, lets list the cons of an artificial tree during the holidays.

  • Artificial trees require storage space
  • It takes time to set up each branch and limb
  • They are made from synthetic materials that are non-renewable
  • They don’t add to the local economy with jobs at tree farms

So which way should you go…

There are clearly a list of pros and cons for the tree options available to you. If you are looking for a hassle free and safe option as far as avoiding the fire hazards and maintenance of a real tree, then artificial may be your answer. If you’re looking for something that adds fresh scents and you enjoy the process of getting a new tree each year, then clearly the real tree is your pick. Whichever way you go, make sure to enjoy the Christmas season and have fun getting your tree set up in your home!