Apple Trees have become a staple when thinking of the fall season. Pennsylvania is the fourth-highest harvesting state for apples in the United States. Being in a state where apples are one of the most harvested fruits, it comes with multiple apple orchards for families and community members to enjoy. However, you can enjoy the luxury of tasty fruit with your own Apple Tree in your backyard. In our article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about Apple Trees and apples!

What Month Is Best For Planting

When it comes to planting Apple Trees you have to make sure you pay attention to the area you live in. In Western Pennsylvania, the best time to plant Apple Trees is from mid-March to mid-April. The counties in this area include Allegheny County, Dauphin County, York County, and more. The reason for this is because of the elevation of the western part of PA, so when winter is finally coming to an end, that is when Western Pennsylvanians should plant their Apple Trees. 

In Central Pennsylvania, Apple Trees thrive the most when they are planted in mid to late March into early May. The counties in this area include Berks County, Clearfield, Centre County, and more. The reasoning behind this is that this region of Pennsylvania is hilly, so it is up to you to use your judgment on whether the soil is unfrozen. If so, then you are good to go on planting your Apple Trees in your yard. 

Finally, in the Southeastern area of Pennsylvania, your Apple Trees will have a higher chance of growing if you plant them in early March to late April. The counties in this area include Lancaster County, Chester County, Bucks County, and more. The reasoning behind this time frame is that in the Southeastern part of Pennslyvania, the elevation is lower in this area. However, this can also mean you can plant them in October because of the mild falls in Southeastern Pennsylvania. 

For More Information On Your Area Click Here!

Which Apple Is For You

Searching for your perfect match can be hard, but finding the apple you like the most is harder. Apples come in many different shapes, sizes, and flavors, so let’s break down the types of apples for you so you can pick your perfect Apple Tree. 


  • This apple is described as the sweetest kind of apple
  • This kind is best in applesauce, fresh salad, or just plain snacking on
  • Their peak season is mid to late October


  • This apple is described as a highly sweet apple
  • This kind is also best for applesauce, snacking, and salads
  • Their peak season is late July to early September

Golden Delicious:

  • This apple is described as mild in flavor and sweet
  • This kind is best for baked apples, snacking, and applesauce
  • Their peak season is mid to late September

Pink Lady:

  • This apple is described as quite tart
  • This apple is best for baking, snacking, and sauces
  • Their peak season is mid to late October

Granny Smith:

  • This apple is described as very tart
  • This apple is best for baking, salads, and baked apples
  • Their peak season is also mid to late October

For more info on these apples and a few more click here!

Apple Tree Care

To make sure your apples are the best possible, there are a few things you have to do to make sure your tree can stay as healthy as possible throughout the year. 

Pruning: One of the top priorities for keeping your tree in tip-top shape is pruning. After the apples are harvested pruning your tree is very important. This will help your tree recover and thrive throughout the winter months. 

Protect Your Apple Tree(s): Because your tree will be standing during the winter months, you must monitor the area in and around your yard. This is because the soil your tree is planted in has to be moist, so during the winter, it can be difficult. Just like us, Apple Trees love a good warm, and cozy blanket. So, when the temperatures drop, you can wrap your tree in a blanket or a tarp to make sure the branches and buds on the tree do not freeze. Especially when Apple Trees are young they are extremely susceptible to freezing and frostbite. 

Keep healthy:  As mentioned before, ensure the soil your Apple Tree is planted in is moist. However, over-watering your tree can lead to root rot and other diseases that can cause your tree to die. Along with root rot, it is also very important to watch for pests that are attracted to Apple Trees such as Spotted Lanternflies, Apple Maggots, Wooly Apple Aphid, and a few more. Watering your trees whenever the soil becomes dry is the best process for keeping apple trees in perfect condition. 

For More Information On How To Keep Your Tree Healthy Click Here!

We Are Here To Help!

Transitioning from summer to fall can be a big step for you and your yard. Finding the perfect fall tree falls into that category, pun intended. However, we want to help you every step of the way whether that’s helping you plant a new apple tree, or saying goodbye to an old one. At Cutting Edge Tree Professionals we are available all year round and can come for inspections anytime. Give us a call at (814)-201-9757 or set up a consultation today, we are here to help!