Cutting Edge Tree Professionals Blog

Apple Trees: Which Is One Is For You

Apple Trees: Which Is One Is For You

Apple Trees have become a staple when thinking of the fall season. Originally Apple Trees were native to Kazakhstan and came to America during the period of the Silk Road. Since then Apple Trees have produced the most popular fruit eaten amongst fruits and vegetables. Due to the high amount of kinds of apples and apple trees, some may need to learn which apple is right for them. In the article below we are going to talk about everything apple so that you can find the perfect fit for your yard and your tastebuds. 

Spotted Lanternflies

Spotted Lanternflies

Spotted lanternflies emerged as a significant pest in recent years, for Pennsylvania, they emerged as a large issue in 2014, causing concern among environmentalists, farmers, and homeowners. Every year homeowners all across Pennsylvania are warned about Spotted Lantern Flies, and when to kill them. The issue has gotten so bad, that many counties in Pennsylvania are quarantined, and the Department of Agriculture has created a phone number to call when you spot one. Here are some tips, tricks, and knowledge about the Spotted Lantern Fly to know so you can fight back.

How to Keep Your Tree Healthy from Needle Cast

How to Keep Your Tree Healthy from Needle Cast

The summers in Pennsylvania can be beautiful with the green foliage of the vast forests that surround the state. We love walking through the vast and lush greenery that surrounds our states. However, while the summer can bring life to our beautiful trees, it can also give life to unfortunate sicknesses to our trees. Pests and diseases of trees can be complicated, especially when you do not know what you are looking for. 

Identifying the Top 5 Pennsylvania Tree Diseases

Identifying the Top 5 Pennsylvania Tree Diseases

Your trees are valuable items of your property, that’s why it is essential to make sure you are keeping them healthy– especially from the dangers of tree diseases. Below you’ll find more information about how to identify common Pennsylvania tree diseases, and what action to take if you think your trees have been affected.

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