Winter stress on trees can lead to significant damage if not addressed properly. Learn how strategic pruning, protective measures like anti-desiccants, and understanding the unique challenges of cold weather can save your trees from winter’s harsh grip. Dive into our guide for expert tips on mitigating winter stress on trees to ensure your landscape thrives through the coldest months.
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3 Essential Benefits of Fall Pruning with a Tree Care Team
The leaves of trees have dropped in late fall in Pennsylvania. It's the perfect time to hire a tree care team and prepare your trees for the winter ahead. Fall pruning is essential for the health and longevity of your trees, but it can also be a challenging and...
Apple Trees: Which Is One Is For You
Apple Trees have become a staple when thinking of the fall season. Originally Apple Trees were native to Kazakhstan and came to America during the period of the Silk Road. Since then Apple Trees have produced the most popular fruit eaten amongst fruits and vegetables. Due to the high amount of kinds of apples and apple trees, some may need to learn which apple is right for them. In the article below we are going to talk about everything apple so that you can find the perfect fit for your yard and your tastebuds.
Spotted Lanternflies
Spotted lanternflies emerged as a significant pest in recent years, for Pennsylvania, they emerged as a large issue in 2014, causing concern among environmentalists, farmers, and homeowners. Every year homeowners all across Pennsylvania are warned about Spotted Lantern Flies, and when to kill them. The issue has gotten so bad, that many counties in Pennsylvania are quarantined, and the Department of Agriculture has created a phone number to call when you spot one. Here are some tips, tricks, and knowledge about the Spotted Lantern Fly to know so you can fight back.
Top 10 Shade Trees in Pennsylvania
Everyone can agree the summer sun is what we look forward to during the cold winter months. However, some days the sun can be too strong for you, your family, and even your furry friends. Having fun in the sun, with a place to cool off under, is the ideal way to spend...
How to Keep Your Tree Healthy from Needle Cast
The summers in Pennsylvania can be beautiful with the green foliage of the vast forests that surround the state. We love walking through the vast and lush greenery that surrounds our states. However, while the summer can bring life to our beautiful trees, it can also give life to unfortunate sicknesses to our trees. Pests and diseases of trees can be complicated, especially when you do not know what you are looking for.
Identifying the Top 5 Pennsylvania Tree Diseases
Your trees are valuable items of your property, that’s why it is essential to make sure you are keeping them healthy– especially from the dangers of tree diseases. Below you’ll find more information about how to identify common Pennsylvania tree diseases, and what action to take if you think your trees have been affected.
Your Yard in Bloom: Best Flowering Trees in Pennsylvania
Before your garden can really blossom, there is one crucial step needed: simply picking and planting your collection of flowering trees. For more information, follow along for the Cutting Edge Tree Professionals Flowering Trees Guide.
Essential Tools For Caring For Your Garden and Trees in Pennsylvania
With an abundance of tools in the world of gardening, it’s important to make sure you’re selecting the best ones for your space. To make it easy to find the best garden tools we’ve pulled together our Top 10 list.
Guidance for Properly Planting Balled and Burlapped Trees
Cutting Edge Tree Professionals cares about your trees, even before they are planted. Follow our steps for properly planting your balled and burlapped trees.
Spring Planting Guide: How To Root Your Garden In Healthy New Trees
A guide to make the complicated nuances of spring planting easy for anyone!
Advantages of Winter Tree Work
By Dave Jackson, Arborist Representative The leaves are all raked up and now you are looking at your winter landscape waiting for spring to arrive. You may even be making a list of the things you want to do with your yard once warmer weather arrives. If tree work is...
Essential Steps to Protect Your Trees from Harsh Pennsylvania Winter Storms
Winter can be a challenging time for trees, especially in the state of Pennsylvania, where the weather can be unpredictable and severe. Harsh winter storms pose potential hazards to the health and safety of your trees. However, with proper preparation and care, you...
Protecting Trees: Empowering Actions to Prepare for Hurricane Season in the Northeast
Hurricane season poses significant risks to both human lives and the natural environment. Winds and storms made their way up north creating damage for families in State College area just last month in October. Hurricane Season is still underway, till the end of...
Timing Matters: The Best Time to Prune Oak Trees
Pruning is essential to maintain the health and aesthetics of oak trees. However, timing is crucial when it comes to pruning these majestic beauties. In this blog post, we explore the best time to prune oak trees, providing insights and guidance to ensure their...
Falling for Oaks: A Seasonal Study of Red Oak and White Oak Trees
Oaks in Pennsylvania Oaks are a common tree found in Pennsylvania. In fact, the oak/hickory forest type dominates the southern two-thirds of the state. Oaks are well known and enjoyed due to their many attributes, including beauty, timber, food for wildlife, firewood,...
Benefits of Shade Trees: Saving Money and Adding Value
In landscaping, homeowners often focus on the aesthetic appeal and curb appeal of their properties. However, there’s a hidden gem that can provide both beauty and practical benefits—shade trees. These giants beautify your yard and offer financial benefits. In this...
Trees and Drought: What you need to know
Pennsylvania drought My grass is brown, I haven’t cut it in two weeks now. I don’t mind too much. I’d rather not mow. But with the defoliation my trees experienced last summer from spongy moths (formerly gypsy moths) and the dry start to summer we...
5 Signs That Your Tree Needs to be Pruned
As a homeowner, you may not always know when it’s time to prune your trees. But, there are some signs that your trees need to be pruned, and an arborist can help make the job easier. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the signs that your trees need to be...
Soil Management for Central Pennsylvania Homeowners: Enhancing Soil Quality for Healthy Tree Growth
Healthy trees begin with healthy soil. As a homeowner in Central Pennsylvania, you may be interested in improving your property’s soil quality and fertility to promote vigorous tree growth. Proper soil management is vital to creating a thriving landscape and...
“The other tree guy said….”
Discerning Legitimacy within Tree Companies Be aware of the dangers and risks of hiring just any tree service to handle your tree project. This article touches on price, equipment, and more when it comes to identifying a legit company or one that may cause more harm...
Everything You Need To Know About Needle Cast Diseases
Managing Needle Cast Diseases on Douglas Fir and Spruce A number of needle cast diseases are affecting fir and spruce trees. Both Rhabdocline and Swiss needle cast can affect Douglas fir. On spruces, including Colorado blue and Engelmann, the needle casting disease is...
Arborist Equipment
While many of us are aware of the task we hire a professional tree company to complete, few know exactly what is going on in the process of completing these tasks. Ever wonder what tools an arborist is using on your property? Read on for a better understanding of...
New Invasive Insects: What you can do to protect your Hemlocks
New Insects: Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and Elongate Hemlock Scale Two introduced insects are significantly impacting our state tree’s growth and survival, hemlock wooly adelgid and elongate hemlock scale. Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA, Adelges tsugae) is an aphid-like...
Oak Wilt: The sign that it’s time to see a plant doctor
Oak trees and humans have a lot in common when it comes to their health. We both drink clean water, eat nutrient rich foods, and take vitamins. Why? This is our attempt to be proactive on our well-being. It gives us the most favorable chances of not catching illnesses...
One thing that can limit the growth of urban and community trees
Soil compaction: How it happens Soils are composed of individual particles (sand, silt, and clay) and aggregates or clumps of particles. Between these soil particles and aggregates are spaces or pores. These “pore spaces” hold air and water. Large-sized soil pore...
The Beginner’s Guide to Tree Responsibility
A beginner’s guide to understanding tree responsibility! Did you know can save yourself time, money and relationships in the long run by understanding now which trees on and along your property are your responsibility or not? Not every tree near and crossing your...
Why Teams Matter Most
Repurposing an old post for our readers for a month on teamwork. Our motto at Cutting Edge Tree Professionals is to redefine the boundaries of excellence through tree services and plant health care solutions. Part of how we do that is to serve people throughout the...
Topping is for Ice Cream Not Trees
Tree topping is not considered a viable practice for tree care according to current industry standards. This controversial topic in past years sparked debate, but now quality arborists know there are many alternatives to tree topping. At Cutting Edge Tree...
Four Easy Steps to Your Springtime Yard and Plant Healthcare Check
At Cutting Edge Tree Professionals, we want to keep our readers up to date on the tree and plant health care services that we offer; that way you’ll never miss out! As spring time is already here, we have come up with a short list to help make your springtime yard and...
Pay Attention to the Signs
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Why Watering Matters Through the Fall Season
With leaves pretty much gone from trees this time of the year in Pennsylvania, we know growing season is over and we may stop the gardening and watering. But, fallen leaves is not exactly the best gauge year-to-year for when it’s time to quit ourselves. If you take...
Your Simple Fall Tree Checklist
We’ve pulled together a simple list to make sure that your trees are taken care of this fall into winter. It’s important to take steps to make sure that your trees, shrubs, and property are fully winterized. Following this simple list will save you problems through...
Should You Plant Trees In Summer?
Our PSA on planting trees in the summer: At Cutting Edge Tree Professionals, we recommend not planting trees in the summertime, but waiting till early to mid-fall to plant in Pennsylvania. Why? We all know Pennsylvania is a state with four distinct seasons. In the...
Hot Topic Pests This Year
This year is what scientists are calling a season for the 17-year cicada. It has been 17 years since the last influx of cicadas coming above ground. This spring they are expected to arrive in greater numbers- billions possibly a trillion- than past years. This is a...
Wait Before You Prune: A PSA From Our Professional Team
A potentially fatal disease called Oak Wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum) is beginning to spread more rapidly this time of year, and pruning Oaks during the growing season could expose them to infection. Oak trees are common to our north eastern region and many people...
How Our Growing Team Matters To Our Core Values
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Tree Trimming v Tree Pruning – What’s The Difference?
Though pruning and trimming don’t mean the same thing, the two words often get mixed up with each other. We wanted to bring some clarity on the difference, especially as it gets close to spring and summer seasons when many people call for trimming and pruning...
4 Signs Your Trees May Give That It’s Time To Call An Arborist
Don’t just take our word for when your trees need trimming or treatment, watch for the signs your trees are sending themselves! When you pay attention to your trees, you’ll see and know when it’s time to take action. We’ve collected four signs your trees might be...
Looking Ahead – Springtime Tree Services
In our last full month of winter, at Cutting Edge Tree Professionals we are already looking ahead to spring tree services. We want to make sure you are covered for what’s coming the upcoming season, and wanted to highlight those spring-clean up activities so that you...
Winter Burn – Should I be Concerned?
Winter Burn – What is it? Winter burn is a term usually applied to evergreen trees like pines or firs when they undergo damage and turn brown, red, white, or yellow-ish. Some trees will recoup in the spring, but some will be unable to recover, especially if they are...
Winter Tree Pruning – Why It Works
Tree pruning and trimming doesn’t need to be limited to when you see your trees alive with leaves in warm seasons. You can also think about tree pruning in the winter. Why? There are a few reasons why tree care in the winter is important. First, it can be easier to...
Precautions for Winter
Preparing for Winter As we all gear up for winter, there are a number of considerations for tree care to take in order to make sure that they stay in the best condition possible. From the elements to animals, damage is to be expected. Unless precautions are taken. At...
Two Ways Trees Can Save You Money
We all know money doesn’t grow on trees, but that doesn’t have to stop us from utilizing trees to our monetary advantage. At Cutting Edge Tree Professionals we care about trees primarily because we believe we are called to be good stewards of creation, helping not...
The Spotted Lantern Fly – Why to be Aware
What is a Spotted Lantern Fly? A Spotted Lantern Fly is an invasive insect to Pennsylvania and after the summer months grows into maturity. By the fall season, the fly begins to swarm trees and lay its eggs. It was discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014 and has since...
Best Trees For Small Yards
If you have a smaller yard, it can be difficult to find the best trees to plant. Many of the trees recommended for planting in Pennsylvania yards are larger and suited for homes that have a bunch of space for the trees to grow and flourish. However, there are so many...
Help! Tree Roots Are Taking Over My Lawn
If you look out into your lawn, do you see beautiful fields of green - or do you see tree roots killing grass every so often? It is a battle that many homeowners have fought over the years, and sadly, very few people have emerged the winner. Sometimes, they will...
4 Tips for How to Clean Your Yard of Trees & Debris After a Storm
Storms, regardless if they are rain, snow, or a combination of the two, can really take a number out of your yard. Rain and wind storms, especially like some of those that we had this year, can really harm our yard and trees. Wind can bring down weak branches, cause...
4 Ways to Identify Tree Fungi in Pennsylvania
If you have even a single tree or plant in your backyard, there is a good chance that you have some kind of fungi in there as well. This is just par for the course when it comes to owning trees and plants. It is not something to get too worked up over, but it is...
Best Time to Prune 5 Common Trees in Pennsylvania
When you plant trees in your Pennsylvania yard, there are quite a few things you need to take into consideration. You are putting your trees directly into the line of fire for everything that living in PA means: all four seasons with some extreme weather, tons of...