International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist Jake Allegar and his business partner Nathaniel Durkin established Cutting Edge Tree Professionals to provide Philipsburg, PA tree services.
We have been in business since February 2015 serving the entire State College PA region. Give us a call or e-mail us using the form below to request your free estimate.
In addition to providing tree care service to residential and commercial customers in Boalsburg, they also service in and around Bellefonte. They also work in the communities of Lemont, Lewistown, Park Forest Village, Tyrone and Philipsburg.
Our Service in Philipsburg, PA
Philipsburg is located a short 32-minute (30-mile) drive from our home in Boalsburg and is a community that is rich in history. In fact, numerous historic landmarks have been renovated including the Union Church and Burial Ground.
The commercial district has also been revitalized and the Philipsburg Historic District was added in 1999 to the National Register of Historic Places. Many heritage homes and grounds add character to the landscape in and around this community.
Proud to provide Services to the Philipsburg Community
Tree Removal
When a tree grows too big and creates a problem with shade, dropping limbs or blocks a view you may be faced with having to remove that once beautiful tree. We can examine your property and provide you with quick, efficient and affordable tree removal.
Tree Trimming
The best way to trim a tree is through pruning and if that tree is a fruit bearing variety, pruning will benefit crop production. Pruning in general enhanced the visual look and overall health of trees and it takes skill to do it right.
Stump Grinding
A rotating, horizontally mounted blade cuts away at a stump as it is passed over the top of it. Each pass reduces the size until there is nothing left – except a pile of wood chips and dirt.
Storm Damage Cleanup
Extreme weather events are often as unpredictable as the damage they leave behind. When that damage includes trees it can become dangerous and risky which means a professional should be consulted for clean up.
At Cutting Edge Tree Professionals we can assess the situation quickly and prioritize cleanup efforts efficiently. For a free estimate on this emergency tree service give us a call or contact us via e-mail today.
Tree Health Care
The health of a tree can only be determined through a complete diagnosis which may involve soil samples and lab work. If there is a concern, treatment options will be discussed and selected in order to nurse your trees back to health.
Other Services
In addition to these services, Cutting Edge Tree Professionals also provides comprehensive tree care solutions tailored to the specific needs of Bellefonte’s residents. These include:
- Tree Risk Assessment: Our certified arborists evaluate the health and structural integrity of your trees, identifying potential risks, and providing preventive measures and suggestions.
- Tree Pest Control: Trees often fall prey to pests and parasites, which can drastically affect their health and longevity. Our team is trained to identify and mitigate these threats, providing your trees with the protection they need.
- Tree Fertilization: As part of our unwavering commitment to the health of Bellefonte’s trees, we provide custom fertilization services. Based on a tree’s specific needs, our experts will deliver mineral-rich treatments that give them the nourishment required for robust growth.
Get your free estimate for any of our services by giving us a call or emailing us!
Engaging with the Philipsburg Community
Our heart is in the services we provide, and our passion is for the people and the community we serve. Being a part of Philipsburg means understanding the intricacies of the local ecology, the impact of the weather, the variety of the trees, and the needs of the community. We are on-site, hands-on, and always ready to ensure your environment remains safe and healthy.
The beauty of Philipsburg is undeniable, reflecting its vibrant culture and storied history. As your local tree professionals, our commitment is to further beautify this place we all call home. Understanding the crucial role of trees in enhancing our local environment, we continually strive to offer services that protect, maintain, and enrich our green heritage.